Of course, many people know that during these years, basically the late 2000’s Sonic’s popularity and arguably quality started to go down. Three different Sonic Advance games would grace the Game Boy Advance, and then Bioware would give us the first real RPG experience for the series with Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. There would be a huge focus on 3D Sonic games for years after this, almost right up to today, although we’d also see quite a few handheld entries. Sonic himself got an edgier more attitude-filled design, and Sega had definitely found success with 3D. However, when Sonic Adventure released on the Dreamcast the series was taken in a brand new direction. A poorly received racing game called Sonic R and a 3D games called Sonic Jam were middling.

Next up for the series was the transition to 3D, which it had some rough spots with. Around this time we also saw the Sonic series experimenting with different genres other than the platformer, creating arcade games and even racing games. The series would see quite a few entries on the Genesis, including some fan favorites to this day like Sonic & Knuckles.

Sonic the Hedgehog first got his start way back in 1991 on the Sega Genesis, and he quickly became Sega’s mascot to rival Mario and Nintendo. Please not that not every Sonic spinoff title is included, and crossover titles like Sega All Star Racing or Super Smash Bros. Let’s take a look at how both Sonic himself, and the series has evolved over the years. There’s a ton of games in the Sonic series, not to mention spinoffs and appearances. Sonic the Hedgehog is one of gaming’s oldest and most iconic characters, and he’s been in his fair share of games.