The scene came late in the film, and involved MILD SPOILER Elijah Wood's young priest adviser, Dolan Thirty-Seven watching as Rose Leslie's 'good witch' character, Chloe, uses her magic abilities to sift through the mind of psychotic wizard Ellic (Joseph Gilgun), looking for clues on how to reach the Witch Queen (Julie Engelbrecht). Being November, it was frigid cold in this underground world that had never seen the light of the sun, making it even more impressive to see Rose Leslie, Joseph Gilgun and Elijah Wood walking around the dark and treacherous rocky terrain in costume as their characters, while us reporters and the film crew were bundled up in multiple layers (and still feeling a cold that seeped into the bone).Ĭold and darkness and gravelly rock underfoot didn't deter the three actors as they filmed their scene over and over again.

The portion of Last Witch Hunter we saw being filmed was shot on location in an underground system of limestone mines about forty-five minutes outside of Pittsburgh - a location that now serves as everything from a boat storage facility, to an underground community complete with roads and street signs and medical stations.